[PRE-DEPARTURE] How much to bring to Seoul

"How much do you usually bring to Korea?"
"How much should I bring to Korea?"

These are literally the most asked question when friends and/or relatives talk to us about Korea. The thing is - we can't tell for sure. Cheryl and I are HUGE spenders; we spend a lot on anything and everything. But I came up with a few points that determine how much you should bring to Seoul.

Duration of your stay 
Of course, how long you stay determines how much you should bring. If you are visiting for 5 - 7 days, you will definitely be needing less than how much you need for 8 - 12 days. 

The season
Okay, this may vary according to where you come from. I'm Singaporean, so I don't get to buy much in Korea during winter time. I spend the most when I visit in summer. So if you come from a place where there are four seasons, you might spend quite a lot on winter clothes etc. 

On a side note, I do recommend buying winter clothes in Korea if you are into k-style. The clothes are really cheap and keep you warm. 

Purpose of your visit 
Are you a sight-seeing person, or shopping person? If you only plan to go to palaces and historical places or museums, you probably won't spend much beside paying the entrance fees. If your sole purpose is to shop, you will need lots, and lots of money.

Our Recommendation  
5 - 7 days: 800,000won ~ 1000,000won
8 - 12 days: 1000,000won ~ 1500,000won
13days ~ a month: 1500,000won ~ 2500,000won
Transport expenses
You will most likely be travelling a lot by subway, not so much by bus. If you are planning to book a cab from the airport to your accommodation, or from your accommodation to the airport, remember to set aside some money!
Train rides: 12,000won ~ 15,000won (5 - 7 days)
Taxi ride: 50,000won ~ 100,000won (airport to accommodation/accommodation to airport)

Food expenses
Per meal: 10,000 won ~ 20,000won
Street food: 1,000 won ~ 6,000won
This depends on where, and what you eat. Traditional set meals (e.g. kimchi soup with rice and side dishes) in small restaurants can be as cheap as 5,000won, and bbq food servings can cost 5,000 - 9,000won per serving. One serving sometimes serve 1, or 2 - 3 people, so if you are sharing food, your meal will cost much lesser than eating alone.

Of course, it varies according to each individual, so what we recommend is just a rough gauge, and according to our past experiences. Sight-seeing fees, and shopping expenses aside, don't forget to factor in your transport and food expenses!

Also bear in mind that this post is dedicated to those who will be in Seoul ONLY. If you are travelling out of Seoul, you probably need to prepare more money for train/air tickets!

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